Saturday, December 4, 2010

Imagine Publicity: Congratulations to Claudine Dombrowski for being chosen to present at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference!

ImaginePublicityImaginePublicity Congratulations to Claudine Dombrowski for being chosen to present at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference!




Posted by Administrator on December 3, 2010 ·


Claudine Dombrowski has been selected to be among a host of honored presenters at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference.

Claudine has diligently worked to bring attention to the systemic re-victimization of abused women who have lost custody of their children to the person who abused them and how the courts are allowing this to happen.

She has taken this issue to the internet by storm, through several websites, blogs and social media sites gathering those together who are uniting their voices to make a difference for the sake of the their children.


The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference
BMCC VIII:  “The Unity Conference”*

January 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2011
Friday evening 6:00 p.m. – Sunday afternoon

Holiday Inn Turf, 205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY
(Five minutes away from Albany International Airport)
Call: 1-800-HOLIDAY or 518-458-7250

American/Australia Mothers Political Party

Is Amping Up the Unity of Mothers Across Oceans.

We will specifically outline how we have become united and how every mother can also be a part of the online revolution of networked bloggers– no matter where you are.

1.  Unity through the world wide web

a)      How internet groups allow us to form tribes of mothers over long distances and sparsely populated areas through the use of technology

b)      How “To’s” to Safely set up blogs, link and linking, news features to AMPP network -via the BADASS Success.

c)        What YOU can do to empower yourself and receive emotional support from other mothers in distress as fast as the speed of internet.

d)      What AMPP  and BADASS can do to assist you to empower yourself

2. Unity does not require the physical body just the unity of our minds and spirits

3. Global Human Moral Rights




Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody: A National Crisis was created in 2003 by two mothers, Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D. of Latham, NY, and Liliane Heller Miller of Charlotte, NC.  Our on-going goal is to host a national public forum to address the many complex issues facing battered women as they strive to protect themselves and their children during divorce, custody, and visitation disputes.

In addition, we seek to  raise public awareness by documenting civil, legal, due process, and human rights violations perpetrated on victims of domestic violence (women and children) by  family courts, their professional appointees, Child Protective Services, other government systems, and all who have built an industry which profits from the suffering of mothers and children trying to escape domestic violence.

Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody: A National Crisis is a completely volunteer-driven, self-sustaining, grassroots phenomenon.  We have no paid staff, nor are we financially supported by or affiliated with any one particular group, organization, gender-based ideology, or political agenda.  We recognize that the abuse of women and children by America’s family court system is not a “father’s rights vs. mother’s rights” issue, but rather the result of  the a severely flawed system.

The format of the conference continues to develop along with the growing body of scholarly research and case law documenting this issue.  It includes presentations, round-table discussions, and question & answer sessions with nationally distinguished attorneys, researchers, writers, and mental health professionals, as well as domestic violence survivors and their children.  We also seek to foster healing and support for the thousands of mothers, children, and supporting professionals whose lives are being permanently affected on a daily basis.

The conference is open to lay persons and is of special interest to domestic violence advocates, social workers, psychologists, attorneys, judges, lawmakers, and others concerned with the civil, constitutional, and human rights violations of battered women and their children occurring in family courts nationwide.

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