Thursday, December 30, 2010

Imagine Publicity: Claudine Dombrowski selected as Honored Guest to present at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference Albany, NY Jan 7th, 8th & 9th, 2011


Claudine Dombrowski has been selected to be among a host of honored presenters at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference. Albany, New York



There is a crisis in the Family Courts of America and Claudine Dombrowski is a strong warrior in the battle for Battered Mothers and their Children lost to the abusers in the Family Court Mafia. A battered mother who lost custody of her only daughter to the person who abused her, Claudine’s battle has been ongoing for approximately 16 years, in Topeka, Kansas – still with no solution.

Claudine leads the Suit at the Inter American Commission Human Rights by International Human Rights Attorney Diane Post in 2007 – filed on behalf of Battered mothers and their Children Nationally, for the Policies and practices of US Courts routinely granting child custody to abusers --. (Dombrowski et el v U.S 2007)

Claudine has diligently worked to bring attention to the systemic re-victimization of abused women who have lost custody of their children to the person who abused them and how the courts are allowing this to happen.

She has taken this issue to the internet by storm, through several websites, KansansForJudicialAccountability - KS-FCRC.and she is best known for her original website which still gathers Mothers from across the world.

Along with other bloggers known as B.A.D.A.S.S and with other social media sites, gathering mothers together who are uniting their voices and are truly making a difference for the sake of their children.

Claudine has also joined with other Experts in Domestic Violence to bring even more heighten awareness to the pandemic genocide of battered mothers their children—a Human Rights Issue.

Through years of organizing globally , Claudine, and mothers like her who have been battered , not only by an abuser, but battered in the court system, have recently founded Australian/American Mothers Political Party and co hosts American Mothers Political Party Blog Talk Radio weekly to bring attention to the crisis in Family Courts and to educate and empower others. 

Through combining their online efforts across the globe, they are able to link together, not always physically, but by forming groups through the wonders of technology and carrying their message far and wide demanding the rights of mothers and their children to be free of torture. We will NEVER give up—Shut up—or go away!

“I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, your neighbor, your co-worker and or friend. I am only one of thousands of Battered Mothers and battered children struggling daily to keep our children safe ourselves alive. Many have not survived. I dedicate this domain to ALL my many sisters-and all our children, those who have fallen and those who still stand, being brutalized daily, weekly, year after year- by a system that is supposed to protect, the Courts continue to punish battered mothers and our battered children. United we carry forward the unheard cries of our children…..We are silenced no more!”…….Claudine Dombrowski


To schedule Claudine for your next event, please contact:

PO Box 14946   Surfside Beach, SC  29587  843.808.0859 email:

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